Wednesday, September 26, 2007

About This Program Week One

Thing 1: I'm eager to learn more about and become comfortable using the new and emerging Web technologies. Yes, because I'm a librarian, and unlike Model T's, becoming obsolete does not increase our value. But I'm also a parent. Now when my children were younger, I operated on containment (with love--no duck tape) and education and a sort of Darwinian practicality. But there's no containment on the web (as with life). And if I want to keep them safe and aware, I have to learn at least a fraction of what they know. Which leads me to Thing 2.
Thing 2: Goals. My goal is to complete the 23 Things project. Time constraints loom as my largest potential obstacle, so I'll have to plan my learning sessions in advance and stick to them. Personally, I'd prefer to do it in a quiet, windowless room with no fun distractions like angry, impatient customers, children not making it to the bathroom in time, and in-depth (somewhat competitive) workroom discussions of recent colonoscopies. But since I'm going to this effort, I might as well make someone, somewhere laugh. Personally, I find laughter a great goal.

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