Thing 5: I enjoyed going through the photo gallery. I was a bit hesitant of creating accounts with Yahoo and Flickr. Granted, my personal information would probably put Big Brother to sleep, but I still worry. Oh, wait, I mentioned that already. Still, I wanted to upload a photo, not just list the URL, only I don't seem to be doing it correctly. I tried using the add image feature. Anyway, it's called
Lightening (don't judge a photo by its spelling) it was uploaded on
September 22, 2007 by
prakashodedraIt's a great shot. "If I'm lying may I be struck by argggg. . ."
Thing 6: Mash Ups and 3rd Party Sites. Eureka! I now know how cubicle monkeys survive their jobs! They know about mash-ups--and have the insane amounts of free (job) time to kill actually playing with/on them. The Trading Cards are a hoot. I know my husband has put dozens of photos on the Google maps and others, but I've never fiddled with it. For me, getting pictures into albums is enough of a Herculean task. (Yea for shoe boxes!)
Anyway, I am getting slightly more comfortable putting larger bits of myself out there for the world to see. I still won't strut in front of the World Web's curtains in my skivvies (oh, the Horror!), but I'm thinking of losing the insulated parka.