Friday, September 28, 2007

Deborah's Trading Card

Deborah's Trading Card
Originally uploaded by hcl23bosil

Wow, talk about an outlet for creativity! I want to make an entire set of cards using family photos! I'll create a whole new game!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by prakashodedra

Here is the lightening (sic) photo, when in doubt, actually read the directions.

Flickr Fun Week Three

Thing 5: I enjoyed going through the photo gallery. I was a bit hesitant of creating accounts with Yahoo and Flickr. Granted, my personal information would probably put Big Brother to sleep, but I still worry. Oh, wait, I mentioned that already. Still, I wanted to upload a photo, not just list the URL, only I don't seem to be doing it correctly. I tried using the add image feature. Anyway, it's called Lightening (don't judge a photo by its spelling) it was uploaded on September 22, 2007 by prakashodedra

It's a great shot. "If I'm lying may I be struck by argggg. . ."

Thing 6: Mash Ups and 3rd Party Sites. Eureka! I now know how cubicle monkeys survive their jobs! They know about mash-ups--and have the insane amounts of free (job) time to kill actually playing with/on them. The Trading Cards are a hoot. I know my husband has put dozens of photos on the Google maps and others, but I've never fiddled with it. For me, getting pictures into albums is enough of a Herculean task. (Yea for shoe boxes!)
Anyway, I am getting slightly more comfortable putting larger bits of myself out there for the world to see. I still won't strut in front of the World Web's curtains in my skivvies (oh, the Horror!), but I'm thinking of losing the insulated parka.

Blogging Week 2

Thing 3: Well, obviously I set up my own blog and I've already changed the settings too many times for one of my short attention span to count. My kingdom for the perfect name! My children's names actually carry date stamps. Instead of roman numerals, their names end in the suffix Version 28.0. Seriously, in case I change it, I want to remember--this week I was Penguin. Though maybe not super cool.
Thing 4: I registered, though now I'm wondering if I accidentally but an @ sign after my name instead of a dot on the on-line form. Well, I'll find out soon enough. Anyway, I downloaded the tracking log and filled it out. I loved printing a copy and the irony of doing the work--if only a small bit--on paper.

About This Program Week One

Thing 1: I'm eager to learn more about and become comfortable using the new and emerging Web technologies. Yes, because I'm a librarian, and unlike Model T's, becoming obsolete does not increase our value. But I'm also a parent. Now when my children were younger, I operated on containment (with love--no duck tape) and education and a sort of Darwinian practicality. But there's no containment on the web (as with life). And if I want to keep them safe and aware, I have to learn at least a fraction of what they know. Which leads me to Thing 2.
Thing 2: Goals. My goal is to complete the 23 Things project. Time constraints loom as my largest potential obstacle, so I'll have to plan my learning sessions in advance and stick to them. Personally, I'd prefer to do it in a quiet, windowless room with no fun distractions like angry, impatient customers, children not making it to the bathroom in time, and in-depth (somewhat competitive) workroom discussions of recent colonoscopies. But since I'm going to this effort, I might as well make someone, somewhere laugh. Personally, I find laughter a great goal.


I found the web cast about the 7 1/2 Habits interesting and informative, but I worry. I'm a worrier, it's what I do. I suppose that falls into the category of #4: Have Confidence in Self. Only, I don't doubt my capabilities. I can learn the 2.0 techs. I worry about losing the safety of my anonymity by hosting a blog. Really, my life's quite full enough without some irate crazy knocking on my door because he stumbled onto my name/blog and took deep offense at my dangling prepositions and stream-of-unconsciousness style. On the other hand, I'd love to publish a blog on book reviews or programs or a number of topics of personal interest to me.
#3: Viewing Problems as Challenges is definitely not my usual approach and will be the most difficult. Lucky for me, I've always cherished my inner 5-year old. So, when I do get baffled and annoyed with this learning experiment--which is bound to happen at least once--I will just play. Thank heavens for #7 & 1/2: Play--clearly the easiest habit for me. I've already picked out a special 23 Things Silly Hat. So okay, let's play.

My First Post

I'm not sure what to say in a sample post. I'm curious to learn more about the 2.0 techs, though.